by cycadmin | Jan 26, 2018 | Blog, Leadership
Super proud of one of the Collingwood Youth Centre’s stars. Arianna McCullough or better known around the CYC as “Squeak” was awarded a Youth Achievement Award from the Collingwood Optimist Club. Squeak has been attending the CYC from almost day...
by cycadmin | Jan 3, 2018 | Blog, Community Events, Leadership
Collingwood Youth Centre was excited to help in the judging of the Vex IQ Challenge at Jean Vanier High School. It was a fun-filled day with teams participating and the Barrie Techno Tigers A big thank you to CYC future game builder Ben Miller for helping out today. ...
by cycadmin | Dec 6, 2017 | Blog
Our mini lending library is up and running thanks to Beth Crawley and Ashley Kulchycki from the Collingwood Public Library. Drop by and sign a book out!
by cycadmin | Dec 2, 2017 | Blog, Culinary, CYC Events